Sunrising Zephyros WanderWoman
French Alpine
Born 02-2016
89VEEV (5Yr/4F)

Pictured as 7Yr/5F above, 5Yr/4F below
Wander here is a barn favorite of mine. She's an extremely tall doe, as well as long, level, & feminine. What she lacks in the udder capacity department, she makes up for in General Appearance. Her rump is incredibly wide and level, Wander looks absolutely stunning while on the move.
Dam: GCH Pleasant Grove Long Wanderer FS90EEEE
Sire: Sunrising Charmer Zephyros

Appraisal Records:
2018 Yearling: 82++++
2022 5 Year Old: 89VEEV
Championship Legs Won & Nationals Placings:
2017 SWODGA Grand CH. Jr Alpine (Dry leg won)
2024 Nationals: 14th 7Yr+ Doe
Numerous Grand CH wins as an adult, none sanctioned with numbers unfortunately.
CH Pleasant-Grove Mono Jezita
French Alpine
Born 02-2021
89EEEE (2Yr/FF)

"Jezzie", as I call her, was brought into the herd in August of 2023 directly from Craig Koopmann of Pleasant-Grove. I truly admire Jezzie for her dairy strength and general appearance. She was well worth the 24 hour round trip to Iowa and back home! I look forward to seeing her mature.
Dam: Pleasant-Grove Frame Jezina
Sire: Pleasant-Grove Laser Monolith
Pictured as a 3Yr/2F (Freshened abnormally)
Appraisal Records:
FF 2 Year Old - 89EEEE
Championship Legs Won & Nationals Placings:
7th Place Dry Yearling at 2022 ADGA Nationals.
14th Place 3Yr at 2024 ADGA Nationals
SWODGA Youth 2024- Res. Leg won!
Ohio Hills 2 Ring Open- 2 UnRes. Legs won!

Sunrising HFNP Simply Noir
American Alpine
Born 03-2021
83GVGA (2Yr/FF)

Noir is my favorite 2021 kid. She is a doe that is powerfully built, with the stature to match. She weighed 80.2lbs at a mere 3 months old. Her front end is heavy build and wide with a lovely brisket. Noir is deep and open with a strong topline. She does have a small scur, but I call it her unicorn horn. Noir is extremely open in the ribs as well, sometimes giving her a "chonky" appearance until you get your hands on her. Noir is also the biggest doe in the barn, even at her young age.
Dam: Sunrising MCCA Shamrock 85++GV
Sire: Hoanbu FGVN Pandemic
Pictured as a 3Yr/2F

Appraisal Records:
83GVGA 2Yr/FF, E in Back & Rump.
Championship Legs Won & Nationals Placings:
19th Place Int. Kid 2021 ADGA Nationals
No legs won yet.
Sunrising Orange Wapiti
American Alpine
Born 03-2022

Wapiti is a long, wide, and smoothly blended Jean kid. Out of Wyvern, a brood doe, she's a lovely improvement over her. She is more smoothly blended with greater General Appearance while keeping the strong feet, legs & depth that Wyvern has.
Dam: Sunrising MCCA Wyvern 89VEVV
Sire: *B Little Nix's SLD Tangerine
Pictured as a 2Yr/FF.

Appraisal Records:
Never been appraised
Championship Legs Won & Nationals Placings:
2023 SWODGA: 4x Grand Champion, 1x Best Jr Doe In Show! Dry Leg Won.
Little Nix's LW Plain Jane
American Alpine
Born 05/2023

Jane was a very last minute addition to the Sunrising herd. She was offered to me by her breeder, Rebecca, in Fall of 2023 and I simply couldn't turn her away! She is a long, big boned doe with a lovely front end.
Dam: Little Nix's Resist Simplicity
Sire: Noble-Springs NSM Lone Wolf
Pictured as a Dry Yearling

Appraisal Records:
Never been appraised.
Championship Legs Won & Nationals Placings:
2024 Nationals: 4th Place Jr Yearling
Sunrising Milelong Journey
French Alpine
Born 02/2024

Description coming soon.
Dam: CH Pleasant-Grove Mono Jezita 89EEEE
Sire: Pleasant-Grove SSO Milemarker
Pictured as a kid

Appraisal Records:
Never been appraised.
Championship Legs Won & Nationals Placings:
Sunrising Linked Sunray
American Alpine
Born 02/2024

Description coming soon.
Dam: Sunrising HFNP Simply Noir
Sire: CH Pangea Zeld's Savior Link
Pictured as a kid

Appraisal Records:
Never been appraised.
Championship Legs Won & Nationals Placings:
2024 Nationals: 4th Place Sr. Kid
Sunrising Mont Kuvira
American Alpine
Born 03/2024

Description coming soon.
Dam: Sunrising JT Windy Kay
Sire: Noble-Springs NSRB Montgomery
Pictured as a kid

Appraisal Records:
Never been appraised.
Championship Legs Won & Nationals Placings:
Sunrising NSM Far Flung
American Alpine
Born 05/2024

Description coming soon.
Dam: Sunrising LNT Never Far
Sire: Noble-Springs NSRB Montgomery
Pictured as a kid

Appraisal Records:
Never been appraised.
Championship Legs Won & Nationals Placings:
2024 Nationals: 6th Place Jr. Kid